The French Economist Thomas Piketty
May 30, 2020
Thomas Piketty’s work on income inequality is much cited and discussed; he is considered one of the most influential living economists. I’ve seen his name crop up a lot recently, especially in articles about the economy after coronavirus. However, there’s just one problem: journalists can’t seem to resist mentioning that he’s the “French economist Thomas Piketty”.
The fact that Piketty is French doesn’t particularly matter to most articles that introduce him this way: granted some of his work focused on the French economy and most of his books and articles were published in French before English translations, but this rarely affects the context.

For a while I had a hunch that Piketty was introduced more frequently by his nationality than other economists, so I collected data on the matter. Using a list of the “15 most influential living economists” from The Economist in 2014, I used Google search result counts for the exact phrase “Nationality economist Person” to determine overall ratios.1 I have also included Adam Smith, Keynes, and Marx for reference.
Economist | Nationality | Total | With Nationality | Ratio |
Robert Shiller | American | 567,000 | 12,300 | 2.17% |
Thomas Piketty | French | 2,080,000 | 37,500 | 1.80% |
John Maynard Keynes | British | 2,470,000 | 43,400 | 1.76% |
Jeffrey Sachs | American | 1,040,000 | 8,420 | 0.81% |
Laurence Kotlikoff | American | 58,400 | 442 | 0.76% |
Kenneth Rogoff | American | 552,000 | 3,170 | 0.57% |
Alan Blinder | American | 167,000 | 694 | 0.42% |
Martin Feldstein2 | American | 370,000 | 833 | 0.23% |
Joseph Stiglitz | American | 1,720,000 | 3,560 | 0.21% |
Paul Krugnman | American | 3,340,000 | 4,460 | 0.13% |
Karl Marx3 | German | 20,500,000 | 22,980 | 0.11% |
Adam Smith | Scottish | 17,200,000 | 15,500 | 0.09% |
Larry Summers | American | 1,400,000 | 907 | 0.06% |
Daniel Kahneman4 | Israeli-American | 3,200,000 | 879 | 0.03% |
Justin Wolfers | American | 222,000 | 4 | 0.00% |
Simon Johnson | British-American | 592,000 | 3 | 0.00% |
Jonathan Gruber | American | 244,000 | 1 | 0.00% |
Ernst Fehr | Austrian-Swiss | 148,000 | 0 | 0.00% |
Shiller, Piketty, and Keynes are clear outliers. The dominance of Americans both in the list and in the field perhaps suggests that economists are considered American by default by most journalists (and perhaps readers too). Nevertheless, the bottom half of the list comprises those of dual and other nationality. The inclusion of a more international pool of economists might reveal a different trend, although we would expect significantly fewer references to them.
Next, I restricted my search to references to these economists on The Economist’s own website. This ought to reduce false positives in the data too, as references to these names are more likely to be to the economists rather than other individuals of the same name. I suspected that The Economist was particularly prone to this trend.
Economist | Nationality | Total Economist mentions | With Nationality | Ratio |
Thomas Piketty | French | 2,530 | 125 | 4.94% |
John Maynard Keynes | British | 2,970 | 3 | 0.10% |
Adam Smith | Scottish | 5,200 | 4 | 0.08% |
Paul Krugnman | American | 3,900 | 1 | 0.03% |
Karl Marx | German | 4,050 | 1 | 0.02% |
Larry Summers | American | 2,580 | 0 | 0.00% |
Robert Shiller | American | 1,430 | 0 | 0.00% |
Daniel Kahneman | Israeli-American | 1,150 | 0 | 0.00% |
Joseph Stiglitz | American | 1,030 | 0 | 0.00% |
Jeffrey Sachs | American | 892 | 0 | 0.00% |
Kenneth Rogoff | American | 888 | 0 | 0.00% |
Simon Johnson | British-American | 859 | 0 | 0.00% |
Martin Feldstein | American | 764 | 0 | 0.00% |
Alan Blinder | American | 585 | 0 | 0.00% |
Justin Wolfers | American | 567 | 0 | 0.00% |
Jonathan Gruber | American | 209 | 0 | 0.00% |
Laurence Kotlikoff | American | 95 | 0 | 0.00% |
Ernst Fehr | Austrian-Swiss | 4 | 0 | 0.00% |
Amongst Economist articles Piketty is an even more extreme outlier. I’ve found no evidence in The Economist Style Guide that the publication requires the use of nationality or profession when introducing individuals, and the data show this is true of other economists. In conclusion, I’ve absolutely no idea why the newspaper so frequently introduces him as the “French economist Thomas Piketty”, but they certainly refer to his nationality and occupation a great deal more than they do of his peers.
This list was criticised on publication (not least by The Economist itself a few days later) for including no women and being overly academic.↩︎
Died after the list was written.↩︎
Totals include the professions economist and philosopher.↩︎
Totals include the professions economist and psychologist.↩︎